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Event Details

JFCS Aleinu Understanding Trauma: Working with Holocaust Survivors

About This Event

  • Event Type:Volunteer Event


Dr. Roderick Logan, DPTh, CCTS, CFTP, FFTT is a contracted Organizational Trainer and Coach with the Arizona Trauma Institute. He is a certified trauma specialist, with expertise in family trauma.

Janice Friebaum, M.S., M.A. - Vice president, Phoenix Holocaust Association; freelance educator, presenter and trainer on topics related to the Holocaust, Holocaust survivors and survivors’ descendants. Oskar Noble will be speaking about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor.

Trauma Objectives:

  • What is trauma?
  • How is trauma reflective of changes in the brain, nervous system, and body?
  • How does the threat response system change the chemistry of the body?
  • How do changes in the body impact behavior, thinking, and emotion?
  • Now that we know, what can we do?

Sensitivity Objectives:

  • Experiences and issues common among survivors
  • How aging can uniquely affect survivors
  • Situational and environmental triggers for retraumatization
  • Approaches to providing sensitive care.

Ticket: $35 includes lunch

Credits: 6 CEUs - 3 Cultural Competency | NO REFUNDS

Questions: Contact Jayne Plotkin at 602.567.8334 or

Limited Space! PLEASE RSVP by Thursday June 13th


Contact Information:

Questions: Contact Jayne Plotkin at (602) 567-8334 or

  • Price: $35.00
  • Registration Instructions: Other