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Move, Groove and Make Connections With Senior Enrichment

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Move, Groove and Make Connections With Senior Enrichment

Even though she’s well into her retirement years, Phyllis Green is happily as busy and active as ever thanks to JFCS Senior Enrichment and the in-person Creative Aging courses it offers.

Over the last year and a half, she has tried many new things, including acting, tai chi and even flamenco dancing – and she looks forward to continuing to learn and grow with new activities always on the horizon.

“A friend told me about JFCS’ Creative Aging classes and the acting one got me first,” she says with a laugh. “I just loved the acting class and even took my husband Stan with me, and he really enjoyed it too.”

In fact, in the acting class, Phyllis shares that Stan did “really well with his monologue” and that it was a fun activity to do as a couple.

In addition to the acting class, Phyllis signed up for tai chi. “Tai chi was amazing, I’d have never thought I’d be doing tai chi, but it was fun, a way to get moving and something to do that was totally different than anything I’ve done before.”

Doing something different, fun and engaging is the very reason Phyllis and other JFCS Senior Enrichment participants sign up for classes. There are endless opportunities for growth, connection, physical activity and more through in-person and online options. Online classes are free to Maricopa County residents, while prices for in-person Creative Aging classes vary based on the series. All classes are designed for those 60 and over.

“The Creative Aging classes like tai chi and other movement-based ones are perfect for people my age who may not want to go to the gym and are looking to make new friends,” Phyllis explains. “Everyone in the classes are very welcoming and it’s a fun feeling of comradery.”

She adds that the classes and activities make for a fun break from the normal routine. “You can combine the activities with lunch and have a fun day out,” she suggests.

In addition to moving along with tai chi, Phyllis got her groove on and recently tried flamenco as well.

“Angelina [the instructor] was amazing in flamenco! I thought the movements would be more difficult, but she demonstrated them so well and made them easy to follow and understand.”

“In fact, all the instructors and Senior Enrichment team has been wonderful – Jennifer has been terrific. I’ve met such nice people doing this, both staff and participants,” she adds.

For older adults who might be hesitant to try the Senior Enrichment classes and events, Phyllis reassures that nerves are normal but emphasizes that there is nothing to be anxious about.

“Don’t be afraid to try a class, especially if you’ve never done it before,” she says. “We’re all in the same boat and no one cares if you’re new to the activity. No one is judgmental, they’re all welcoming, understanding and empathetic. And there are so many fun classes!”

To support JFCS Senior Enrichment, visit and designate your support to Center for Senior Enrichment/Creative Aging.