Caleb Overcomes Barriers
- Author: Caleb, 2016 Graduate
- Date Submitted: May 8, 2017

“ CONGRATS TO ALL OUR 2016 GRADUATES! YOU, friends of JFCS, help make it possible for success stories like this.”
Caleb has a diagnoses of Autism and ADHD, and was not performing well at his mainstream high school. His grades suffered and he experienced bullying, until he was moved into a specialty school that allowed him to thrive. JFCS has been by his side through these difficult years.
Caleb was on track to graduate at the end of the next school year, but he took on an extra online class and was able to accelerate his track to be able to walk with the 2016 class at the end of May. Caleb is incredibly bright, and enjoys building robots and other Lego figures. Lego has even contacted Caleb in order to praise him for his designs.
Caleb plans on working through the summer, and whether he decides to attend college in the fall or settle into a career, the sky is the limit for him!
JFCS Transition Facilitators support many at-risk youth like Caleb and Janessa, from the ages of 15-21, to overcome life’s obstacles as they move through the behavioral health system or as they age-out of foster care.
Healing Lives. Whatever it Takes.