Josh Is No Longer Alone
- Author: Josh
- Date Submitted: May 8, 2017

“ Josh, a 4th grader at a local Phoenix area school, was having trouble focusing in class. He appeared angry and started to get into fights with his peers. Josh was grieving the loss of his brother, who died unexpectedly last year.”
Josh, a 4th grader at a local Phoenix area school, was having trouble focusing in class. He appeared angry and started to get into fights with his peers. Josh was grieving the loss of his brother, who died unexpectedly last year.
How does a nine year old child cope with grief and sadness, while expected to sit in class and do schoolwork day after day?
Because of your support, JFCS Prevention Services was working at Josh's school and had started a grief and loss group there. Josh began attending the groups. At first, he didn't share much; however, by the third meeting Josh was able to shed some tears and share more about his feelings of anger, confusion and pain.
"Simply learning that they are not the 'only one' can be a huge breakthrough for children. Most public school teachers with over-crowded classrooms don't have time or resources to address behavioral or emotional issues." - Alicia Herzog, JFCS Director of Prevention Services
When kids struggle with divorce, abuse, bullying and other negative behaviors, they simply cannot focus on learning and schoolwork.
Because of donors and friends, JFCS is able to work in schools, creating a safe haven for children and families, promoting communication, character building, anger management and positive family values. Watch Video here: