Volunteers for Special Events

three smiling women

"You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.”
- Author unknown

Special Event Volunteers

It takes many hands to make our special events…special. If you are detail oriented and enjoy event coordination or if you want to volunteer just for a day, this opportunity is for you.

Volunteers help plan and coordinate our annual luncheon, Brighter Tomorrow, and other JFCS events. In addition, day of event volunteers are needed to greet our guests, assist with registration, room set-up and other event related tasks. Individual and group volunteer opportunities are available for this role.

Adult Volunteer Application Teen Volunteer Application Group Volunteer Application

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, 602.567.8383 Ext. 10383​​ or volunteercoordinator@jfcsaz.org

  • Check out some resources to help you get the guidance and support you need.
  • Learn more about the lives that have been impacted by the programs and people at JFCS.